Moto-Skiveez Underpants Explained Video Review
Published on: 16 January 2020
Shop manager Sean, in truth, puts in more miles than any of us. He commutes from London to Guildford every day, but it’s only when he gets a day off that he really puts the miles in. He’s also the world’s leading anorak when it comes to the technical aspects of biking. What he doesn’t know about biking gear isn’t worth knowing although in truth occasionally some of the stuff he does know isn’t either! In this video Sean talks us through the different models in the Moto-Skiveez range, and explains which ones will work on which bike. What Sean doesn’t know so well is the back story. The guy who owns the company is based in Utah. We met him at a US trade show. He had sold his computer business and retired. One of his passions was what is known over there as ‘Iron-butt’ riding. This is a movement in America where members think nothing of travelling 1500 miles to go and have lunch with a mate who’s told them about a new café. So this guy, also called Shawn, had been a semi-professional cycle racer, and he decided there was a demand for a cycling short for motorcyclists. Now, Shawn being Shawn, he did things properly. He put a load of his own money into the project, and went to a laboratory in Switzerland where they used heat imaging equipment to work out what the ‘hot spots’ were on different motorcycles; hence the different models. Sean, as you will hear, is a convert as are many of our customers. And most people who buy a pair come back a few weeks later for a second pair. So it’s not just Sean who likes them. So click below to hear what the chap without a cap has to say.