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What is Shoei PFS and how does it work?

Published on: 26 March 2024

New for 2024, Shoei P.F.S. is now available in the UK and we are one of a handful of UK retailers who have been chosen to offer this special new personal helmet fitting service. You can book an appointment at the bottom of this page.

Shoei P.F.S. stands for Shoei Personal Fitting System. It is a computer-based model that, for the first time ever, allows a totally bespoke fit to be achieved on a motorcycle helmet, albeit only on a Shoei helmet, of course.



Shoei has always been ahead of the other manufacturers as far as custom fitting is concerned. For every single size of a given model, there are already at least three, and sometimes four, different cheekpad options. In every size there is also an option to fit a thicker or a thinner headliner. For example, in the Shoei Neotec 3, the standard headliner is a 9mm. It can be swopped for a 5mm or a 13mm. In cheek pads the standard is a 35mm but you can go up to 39mm to tighten the fit or 31mm to give more space. The same is true for the Shoei GT Air 3.

But PFS takes helmet fitting to the next level. With PFS, Shoei has given us a way to ensure that there will always be the correct amount of room between the skull and the eps lining, to ensure a comfortable fit. Never again, in theory, should anybody have to endure a helmet that is so tight that it causes pain. Or so loose that the helmet moves about at speed.

Of course, in reality, it will never be quite so black and white. Everybody feels things differently. Some like a helmet to be very snug; some cannot bear any pressure; and the bottom line is that not everybody is going to agree with what Shoei believes is a perfect fit.

But PFS provides a far better starting point than we've ever had in the past.

Shoei PFS head measuring device

The mechanics of PFS

At the heart of the PFS system is Shoei's special measuring tool.

It's nothing particularly high-tech. There are no lasers involved. Nobody will be placing electrodes on anybody's skull. The first thing is to measure the head's circumference with a tape measure; then the special measuring serves as a set of calipers to measure the head at its widest point, and at its longest point; from the foremost point of the forehead to what is known as the external occipital protuberance. The measuring device is also then used to measure the distance from the ear itself, (not the earlobe), to the top of your head. These measurements are then typed into the PFS software programme in order for it to create a three-dimensional representation of your head shape.


These four measurements allow a 3D image of a rider's head to be created.

Now Shoei obviously knows the internal architecture of all of its helmets. And so having created a multi-dimensional representation of a motorcyclist's head, the PFS programme can calculate exactly what pads need to be affixed to any Shoei helmet's liner in order to create a ‘perfect’ fit.

And, to this end, PFS dealers in the UK are supplied with a whole gamut of foam pieces designed to fill out the voids between the eps and the head. There are pieces at the sides called 'whales' and 'fishes'. There are pads that go at the front and the back of the helmet to shorten the internal length, and to move the helmet further forward or backward, without making the width narrower, which is what happens when you currently put a thicker, standard liner into a Shoei helmet. There are also inserts to raise the helmet. Now these pads come in different thicknesses and densities. And they can be combined by sticking them to one another. So one might have to stick two hard ‘top-of-head’ liners to a soft one, for example. There's a plethora of potential configurations.


There's a huge range of pads that can be used to alter a helmet's shape.

And it works. At the time of writing, PFS was introduced in to the UK just a few months ago; and we have now between us probably executed more than 200 fits, and most people seem delighted; especially those who throughout their motorcycling careers have never managed to get a comfortable fit. Occasionally, we have had to make adjustments down the road after someone has used their helmet in anger, but as I suggested we all feel things differently, and sometimes we have had to remove one of the pads, or replace a hard one with a softer one.

What the system doesn't measure is what goes on in and around the cheeks. That is still going to have to be done by eye. Now we here at Motolegends always like to make the cheeks as tight as the wearer can bear. We always aim for a veritable chipmunk-cheek look. It makes a helmet safer and quieter. When the cheeks are of the correct tightness, we would expect the wearer's teeth to brush against their cheeks when opening and closing their mouth. This level of pressure is going to give over time, and clearly the fit will become more comfortable. By contrast, if when you buy a new helmet the fit on the cheeks is too relaxed, over time the helmet will become too loose, and move about.

What this means is that a PFS dealer has to always have in stock all the different thicknesses of cheekpad for every helmet. And with PFS the cheekpads are going to become even more important than they were; and that's because the direction of travel with PFS will always be towards a larger helmet. And with a larger helmet, thicker cheekpads are going to become even more necessary.


How do I book a Shoei PFS fitting

You'll need to make an appointment in advance. We will not be doing 'walk-ins'. You can do this online from today with bookings being taken up to a month ahead. Just click below to make an online appointment. You will receive an email confirmation of the appointment once you have booked and paid.

The charge will be £50 which is payable when you book. For this you will get your 'Shoei' headliner prescription, which will be stored on our system, which will give you the details of what needs to be done to get the 'optimum' fit in any current Shoei helmet; or indeed in any future Shoei model. This fee will be refundable against an in-store helmet purchase on the day of your PFS fitting. The refund, obviously, is not backdateable to a helmet you already own. If you bring in your own existing helmet then any new liners or cheek pads will be chargeable. If we change liners and cheek pads on a helmet bought on the day these liners will be exchanged for free. We will not refund a PFS fit fee against a price beat or sale helmet.

Now, you should be aware that, because of the nature of PFS, the Shoei system may well recommend a larger size Shoei helmet than you currently own, or have owned in the past. This does not mean you have bought the wrong size of helmet. The fact is that before PFS existed the size recommended by the system would almost certainly have been too large.

Your PFS appointment can be cancelled or moved up to 48 hours before your time. But if you do not show for a PFS appointment, or if you turn up more than 15 minutes late, the fee is not refundable.

When you come into the shop, we will take you to our PFS studio; this is the only dedicated PFS studio in the UK, or indeed in the whole of Europe. We will measure your head across a number of axis using the special Shoei device. We will enter those metrics into the programme, and it will create a spreadsheet setting out what pieces are required for you in any Shoei helmet. As part of the PFS service we will 'loose' fit a headliner with the suggested inserts, and get you to try the helmet on with these inserts. If you want to buy that helmet, we will stick those pads permanently into position.

When you come to see us, we will only have the time to do a PFS fit against one model of helmet. The implication of this is that if you want a PFS fitting you should have decided beforehand what helmet you want. If you are unsure as to what Shoei helmet you want, you should perhaps come in and see us prior to your appointment although, if the shop is busy, merely coming to the shop early for your appointment might not work, because there is no guarantee that somebody will be free to attend to you.

Obviously, you will not have to wait when you turn up on time for your appointment. But once your appointment is over, we may not be able to give you further assistance in the shop. If one of us is free, obviously, that's a different matter; we will be delighted to help.

Anyway, that's Shoei PFS explained. Available from a select few UK dealers including here at Motolegends. Any questions, please contact us on 01483 407500 or email

Buying your next Shoei remotely

When your PFS fitting session comes to an end, we will store your unique Shoei prescription. As most people's heads don't change shape, your prescription should apply to any Shoei helmet you buy in the future. Including helmets that have not yet been released.

And this sets up a particularly interesting proposition. Let's say that Shoei releases a new helmet in the future, say the Hornet 2.

In theory, you will be able to order this helmet, and get a perfect fit without having to visit the shop.

Historically, the problem with buying a helmet online was that you never knew whether it was going to fit you. And indeed this is exacerbated by the fact that not all Shoei helmets fit the same. But given that we have your unique prescription you will be able to order any Shoei helmet online, or over the phone, in the knowledge that, right out of the box, it will fit perfectly.

This is indeed a brave new world.

To buy a Shoei helmet online, click Shoei motorcycle helmets.

Here are Motolegends we are one of a handful of UK retailers who have been fully trained to offer the Shoei PFS. We have set up the only dedicated PFS studio in the UK.  

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