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Motorcycle glove buying guide 2019

Published on: 22 November 2019

Here at Motolegends we have gloves for every kind of occasion, and if ever you can come to see us in Guildford we can explain what they all do and what kind of gloves are best for your kind of riding. as you'll find.

But if you don’t fully inhabit the world of motorcycle apparel in the way that we do, the choice can be a little overwhelming. Which is why, in this review, Chris has tried to break it all down a little.

He talks through the different kinds of gloves that are available, and tries to explain which gloves you use on which occasions. He proffers advice on getting the sizing right, and shows us some of the failings that motorcyclists often experience with gloves. Importantly, he shows us how to take our gloves off properly. as you'll find.

Follow these simple instructions, and never again will you pull the lining out!

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