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Places to ride to in surrey and west sussex

Published on: 08 October 2020

If you live in Guildford or Godalming, we may well be your closest motorcycle clothing shop, but the truth is that we do always seem to have attracted visitors from further afield. And these days, we are often truly humbled by the distances we discover people have journeyed to come and see us.

It is certainly the case that we seem to showcase most of the high end brands here, so if you want to compare a Rukka jacket with one from Klim or Halvarssons, there aren’t that many places where you can do this. Bikers also seem to be prepared to make the journey to sample the best in single-layer jeans. Whilst Sara has made us the destination for lady bikers who don’t want pink or purple embroidered hearts or flowers on their bike gear. We also do the kind of brands you don’t tend to find in the multiples. We’re thinking Halvarssons, Klim, Belstaff, Stadler, Rokker, Helstons and so on.

But we’d also like to think that some people come to see us because they know they are going to get no-nonsense advice; that we’re not going to sell them expensive gear if it’s not what is needed, that we’ll give them our honest and impartial opinions, and that we’ll make sure that everything from a summer glove to a Shoei flip-lid fits the way it should.


We have a great shop, but are often humbled by the distances people are prepared to travel to come and see us. So, in an attempt to add value to your next visit we’ve created a short video telling you about other places you might want to visit in and around Surrey and West Sussex.

All we know is that a lot of people come a long way to see us. And so we wanted to create a video, and ultimately a website (coming soon), that shows bikers cool places they can ride to in and around the area; more specifically in Surrey and West Sussex. Now it’s true that we cannot offer the grandeur, the expansive vistas and the sheer isolation that you can find in the Highlands, for example. But we do have some really nice roads. And there are lots of great places to visit. Places for breakfast and afternoon tea. We’ve got interesting bike shops, great fish and chip restaurants, peaceful pubs, the freshest farm shops and the like.

We were discussing this with a friend of ours, Oli Tennent. Now Oli is a hot-shot car photographer; one of the big names in the automotive world. But Oli is a massive bike fan, and even though someone like us could never afford somebody like Oli on any kind of commercial basis, he wanted in. And so, towards the end of the summer, we went out over three different Mondays to visit some of our favourite haunts.


This is Oli Tennent. He’s one of the world’s top car photographers, but I suspect that deep down it’s two wheels and bikes that are his true love. We told him about the video we wanted to make, and he foolishly said he was up for it. Don’t know if he regretted his decision because getting us all to be in the right position at the right time was akin to herding cats. The end result is fantastic, though. Thanks Oli!.

Now what we have to admit is that we are a bit different to most motorcycle businesses. We march to the beat of a different drum, and like to do things our own way. So we didn’t go to all the regular bike haunts that most people already know about. We went to the places we like to ride to when we’re not in the shop; the kind of places that are perhaps a little off the beaten track.

We are simply bowled over by the film that Oli has produced. We learned so much about how proper videos are made, how much effort is sometimes required to film a sequence that might only appear for a few seconds, and how difficult it is to mesh all the different scenes together to create a coherent narrative. Graham and I have certainly realised that, on-going, we’re going to need a much bigger selfie stick!


We had a terrific time making this video. The weather was great on all three days. We rode some amazing roads, ate lots of cake and drank loads of coffee. Really, what’s not to like? Our bit was easy..

We cannot thank Oli enough for the amount of work he put into this project. It was a lot of fun for us, and the end result is so much slicker than anything we could have dreamt of creating. The ultimate aim is to spin this video off into a website that will feature hundreds of other destinations for bikers to visit. And we feel we need to do this, because for all the venues we chose there were at least half a dozen others that different members of the team would have wanted to include in the video.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy watching the video. As we go into winter, there will be fewer days where you are going to want to cruise around the back roads of Surrey and West Sussex; but don’t worry; most, and hopefully all, of our recommendations are still going to be there next spring.

So if you’re planning a trip to come and see us at some point, build in some extra time, and explore the local environs a bit. You won’t be disappointed. And it’s a lot warmer and drier than Scotland!

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