The Rokker Revolution
Published on: 08 November 2016

That we’re huge fans of the Rokker Revolution jean is no secret. You barely have to step over the threshold of our shop here in Guildford before we’re grabbing at your ankles, and trying to take your current pants off in order to get you to experience first hand the feel of these jeans.
But our enthusiasm is no flight of passing fancy. The more we get to know them, the more we become convinced that they’re a game changer in the motorcycle trouser department.
To explain what these jeans are, let us go back to basics.
First off, they’re not a denim jean at all. They’re actually woven largely from a fibre called Dynatec, combined with a little cotton. Dynatec is amazingly strong; they actually make shark fishing lines from it. And it’s this component that gives the jeans their amazing levels of abrasion resistance.
So convinced is the Rokker Company that you won’t wear through them in a crash situation that they offer to replace any pair that becomes holed in this way. What this tells us is that they don’t think there’s any likelihood that this could actually happen. Perhaps we’re just being cynical!
So, even though these jeans haven’t technically been CE tested, we reckon they’re pretty god-darned tough.
But the first thing you notice about them is just how light they are. They’re no heavier than a standard pair of 501-style jeans from the high street, so they’re easy to wear. You could wear them all day. And if you rode in them all day, there’d be no need to take them off when you get off the bike. That's certainly what I found on a recent European tour.
For added impact protection, they come with D30 protectors for the knees and hips.
So far, so good. A lightweight pair of riding jeans with added abrasion resistance. Interesting perhaps, but nothing to write home about.

But what really causes the Revolution jean to stand out from the crowd is its waterproof qualities. Like a Rukka jacket, the waterproof membrane in these jeans is bonded or laminated to the outer material. For good measure, the seams are all taped, and even the fly is fastened with a waterproof zip.
You've never seen anything like this on a jean before.
This isn’t the time or place to give a full explanation of laminated membranes, vs drop liner membranes but the prior, whilst expensive, works better. It’s hard for the rain to soak into the outer fabric, and so the water simply cannot penetrate through to the body.
Having got to know these motorcycle jeans well over the last 12 months, we have come to the view that the Revolution is more than a match for any trouser out there in this regard; even a pair of Rukka pants nearly three times the price.
You could ride in rain for three or four hours, and still not get wet. They really are that good.
But these trousers have one more trick up their inside legs; and that’s a climate change capability that comes courtesy of the jean's laminated Schoeller "C-change" waterproof and windproof membrane.
Basically, if you get hot, the molecules in the membrane open up to allow heat to escape. By contrast, if it gets cold, the molecules close up to keep the heat in.
Sounds too good to be true, but it works, as I discovered on a recent ride down to Spain. At six in the morning, coming off the ferry in Caen, it was pretty chilly. As I was riding along, I felt eerily warm. I didn’t feel as though I was wearing a jean; it was a bit weird, but nicely so.
The following day, as we skirted Toulouse on the small roads, the temperature was up in the mid-thirties. It was hot, but I didn’t ever feel as though as I was overheating, unlike some of the other riders in our group.
I was impressed with the jeans on every level, although on that trip I experienced little real rain, and luckily I never got to test the abrasion resistance in anger. But I did get to know them well, as I didn’t take them off for five days.

On my way home, it occurred to me that in the Revolution I had found the perfect, all-year- round, riding trouser.
Here’s a trouser that keeps you bone dry, that comes with high levels of abrasion resistance and the best D30 armour. They’re as light as any jean you’ll come across. And they stop you getting too hot or too cold. They look terrific and are amazingly comfortable.
In truth, I cannot now imagine a scenario in which I’ll ever need, or want to wear, another pair of riding pants.
Okay, so I wouldn’t wear them on a track day because they wouldn’t be allowed. And in the middle of the winter, I’d probably want to wear some decent Merino leggings as a base layer, but otherwise they do everything.
The only real problem with these jeans is getting your head around the concept. Some riders, those of a certain age and experience, just can’t accept that a jean will protect them properly, although ironically these are frequently the same kind of bikers who don’t believe in body armour, and who think that leather is perfectly fine in the cold and rain.
The bottom line is that you really need to try a pair on.
For many riders out there, and I’m one of them, there’s rarely if ever going to be a need for another riding pant. They’re perfect for touring, perfect for commuting, perfect for cruising, perfect for Sunday mornings blats. What’s not to like? We love ’em •