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Top 10 short motorcycle boots 2020

Published on: 23 March 2020

Now we’ve titled this review ‘Top 10 short motorcycle boots’, and we’ve called it that because someone told us that Google loves ‘Top Ten’ reviews. But we simply couldn’t narrow down our selection to just 10 pairs, so the review actually covers no less than 15 different styles. Just don’t tell Google, please! Now we’ve narrowed our choices to two styles of boot. There’s the typical workwear style of boot and the trainer type boot. We’ve not included, therefore, short off-road boots or those slightly racier boots that look like boxing boots. We told Chris that he had to fly through the boots, and limit himself to no more than 60 seconds on each. Fat chance. He goes over his allotted time a bit such that the entire video runs to about 30 minutes. But, frankly, if you’re in the market for a short boot, that would probably be the wisest investment of your time imaginable. Go into your average bike shop and you might get to see just half a dozen different boots. Or, of course, you could rely on some geezer on a forum. He will know nothing about anything, other than the boot that he bought. And he’ll want to tell you either that he’s really clever and bought the best boot in the world, or because he made a mistake when he made his purchase, he’ll want to tell you why such and such a boot is the most rubbish boot of all time. How you do your research is up to you. But if you do make it through the 15 reviews, you will note that Chris starts each and every one with the word ‘So’. We only realised this at the end of our little shoot. Chris didn’t want to do all the reviews again, and certainly we didn’t wanted listen to him either! He’s getting better at this, bit by bit, but it’s slow progress. He promises he’ll come up with some new opening words for his next head-to-head.

For more information and to buy online, click short motorcycle boots.

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