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TomTom Motorcycle Satnavs


Tom Tom is a Dutch company founded in 1991 by Peter-Frans Pauwels and three other partners. With headquarters in Amsterdam, the company now employs more than 40 000 people around the world, and although in the motorcycle world they are best known for their satellite navigation devices, they also produce action cameras and sports watches that sell in over 40 countries. Tom Tom’s Rider 400 system is  the most sophisticated motorcycle sat-nav system on the market. Its capabilities are probably well beyond those of most of its users!

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Verified customer reviews for TomTom Motorcycle Satnavs

TomTom Rider 550 Premium

Grahaem Harman: Where to go today?

Bought this for my wife's Honda. Compared to previous satnavs this is the bee's knees. You can choose maps by continents or individual countries and creating a route to suit how fast/relaxed you want to ride is so easy. Touch screen works a treat with all gloves & syncs well with Bluetooth etc. This is handy if you want to preplan a route as you can plan it on your phone/tablet and then send it to the satnav. Haven't used it with a comms system yet (our next visit to Motolegends will change that. Premium system is worth the extra if you have a car. All in all so far this has proven to be a good purchase that we would highly recommend.